June 18, 2006

Betrayed: Walls

Walls. Sitting behind my walls I feel a kind of safe. Its not the a type of safe that is warm or nurturing like a hug or reassuring like the voice of one who wants me, nor is it secure like the closeness of a good friend. The reason for this is they are walls.

They are not made of flesh nor are they blessed with the breath of life. The walls cannot talk to me or share their life with me. So why do I feel so safe when I am surrounded by them? A story will help me explain.

She never knew love from the big ones around her. Continually she was pounded with their betrayal. She was too young to know it was not her fault. All her little mind could do was ask, “What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I be good enough?” Of course these questions are formed from one too young, too innocent, and too small to know blame does not belong to her.

With each passing birthday she encounters other big ones who use her and betray her. Each time a big one wounds her soul her fragile heart shrinks. In a short time she has given up on the big ones. She no longer dreams of being loved by any of them.

Yet her heart cries out for something . . . for Someone. Finally she give up believing she can be loved . . . gives up the dream of “being wanted.” She turns away from others and to herself. She thinks, “The big ones will always hurt me. I will not trust them. I will not trust anyone ever again. I must protect myself from them, but how?”

Then the Dark One gives her an idea, “Build walls.” She liked the idea. Thick tall walls will not abandon you. They will not disappoint you. They won’t reject you. None of these things are possible because they have no heart. The Great One has not breathed the “breath of life” into them. And she is glad about that because she knows that the ones who carry the “breath of life” only hurt her. She decides to make the walls her friends because she has never known the place called “Safe.”

She gathers the biggest rocks she can carry. Her little mind wonders where she got the strength to carry huge rocks. She does not know that the Dark One is helping her in this work. He does not want her heart to be available to the Great One.

She place them one on top of the other until they reach the sky. With each rock placed on top of the other her hopes for safety grow. After several days work she sits alone behind her constructed rock four walls. A fortress made with her own hands will be her refuge.

For the first time she feels what she calls “safe.” Later she will learn it is not the safety the Great One intended for her to know, for he desires to offer her himself as her “Refuge”. But for now she is able to rest and relax a bit. The big ones could never get to her again. She quietsherself and goes to sleep.

The Great One is saddened because he designed her to live in rich interactive union with the big ones and the other little ones. She had no way of knowing the Great One’s intent. All she knows is she wants to stop the hurt from betrayal.

After the passing of much time she is awakened to call deep within her . . . a call to Someone she has never met. At first she ignores it but the call from the outside and inside persists like the waves of the ocean repeated touching the beach.

The call says, “I want you. I like you. You can be loved. You can be close and not feel betrayed.” She is shocked by the message and says out loud “NO that will never be true!” How could it be true? S he has never experienced anything but betrayal. Yet deep inside in a place that the Great One designed she begins to hope it is true.

She notices a growing discontentment with the safety of the walls after having received the call. Her mind often thinks about the possibility of being loved without betrayal. At first she easily dismissed the thought but as time passes the call births a longing in her. It is a longing placed in her by the Great One but it has been choked out by the continual experiences of betrayal.

An odd thing happens. The more she thinks about the call the more she believes. The more she believes the more her discontentment grows. One day she is hit with an idea that horrifies her, “I want out of the walls!”

The idea hit her with such force that she had to sit down because of the weakness in her body. She, as yet, did not understand that the Great One was calling her to an experience of love that could only be possible if there were no walls.

It took several days to recover from the thought of betraying her walls for the safety of another. How could she? It was just a crazy idea that only children believe. She did not know that the Great One loves the “little ones.”

She is unable to stop her mind from returning to the idea of life without walls. The thought resurrects a lost hope of being loved and loving. This idea grows and grows and grows until she is able to believe enough to act.

The day comes when the desire for love outweighs her desire to be safe. She must act. She must tear down the walls . . . but how? Over the years the rocks have merged into a solid unified structure that appears to be impenetrable.

She throws herself against the mighty wall and crumples under its strength. Again and again she pulls herself from the ground and blast the mighty wall with her body only to end up wounded and hurt on the ground.

She begins to lose hope that she can be free of the prison she has created. She cries out for help with a deep mournful cry . . . and is heard.

The Great One jumps for joy at the cry of the Betrayed one. He leaps, shouts, and dances because that which is lost is found and that which was dead is now alive. He runs to the fortified walls that separate Him from the one he loves and shouts like a mighty trumpet and the walls fall down all around the Betrayed one. She is free.
She is shocked at the sudden collapse of the walls. How did they fall without her doing anything? Then she sees Him, the Great One. Never has she seen such a look of love and compassion on the face of a big one. His arms are outstretched and He calls to her.

Before she can think she is on her feet running to Him. She knows He loves her and wants her. She collides into His massive presence and is enveloped in a love that she has never known . . . a love that never ends.

For the longest she weeps and laughs, drinking in his life like a thirsty deer does the brook of water. She feels something that is foreign to her . . . SAFE. Never has she knows such security and sanctuary. All of her person relaxes into everlasting arms of LOVE and CARE.

She has given up “walls” for a superior form of protection . . . union with the GREAT ONE!

How about you? Tired of your walls? The Great One is attentive to your cry for help. Cry out to Him now.

1. What part of the story touched you . . . journal your experience.

2. What is it like to realize your walls are a barrier to Jesus and to others? Journal what you feel and think.

3. What is it like to consider that God "loves you, wants you, etc."?

4. How have you tried to break out of your walls? What does it feel like when you can't tear them down?

5. I would invite you to "cry out" to Him now from the depths of your heart (Ps. 30:2). Allow the desperate hunger for help . . . for Him to rush out.

6. Take time to slowly read Luke 15:20-24. Allow the Father, our Great One, to embrass and love you. Don't rush. Relax in His arms.


At 7:05 PM, Blogger journey said...

You're not currently posting but I'll comment anyway on "Betrayed: Walls"

i relate, but im not free, to keep people from hurting me i end up shutting God out too,

interesting story, but it's not over, because after she comes out from behind the walls then people can get to her again, where is god in the pain of being betrayed again? My story is a bit different with the alternate ending, or rather the next chapter.

I've cried out to God and he has helped me, and has used people to do so. The prob is that I am also hurt by people who say they are helping me. The kind of hurt that left me sitting on their kitchen floor crying uncontrollably and asking, "why don't you want me anymore? I don't understand! I'll do better. What do you want me to do?"

Thats the kind of pain that comes to me when I get out from behind my walls. I don't know how to defend myself from it. I trust the wrong people on a consistent basis.


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