December 02, 2005

I Really, Really Need God! Part 3

The second phrase is "God Can!" The Bible is full of accounts of God being adequate for all we encounter.

He is the one that gave a child to barren Sarah; He is the one that parted the Red Sea and drown the Egyptians; He is the one that defeated thousands of Midianites through Gideon and a few; He is the one that protected the three Hebrew boys from Nebechanezzar’s firey furnance; He is the one that shut the mouths of lions for Daniel; He is the one that walked on the water and fed thousands with a little; and He is the one that overcame death and the grave. Yes, He can!

Before anyone can get to the confession “God Can!” they must admit “I Can’t!” (see the previous post). As a matter of fact I don’t believe you can wholeheartedly say “God Can!” if you don’t first say “I Can’t!”

The third statement is "I want God to _____" (you fill in the blank). When we say this we are letting God know that we're ready and willing for Him to do what we can’t. In 2 Corinthians 3:6 Paul says God makes us “sufficient.” Notice how dependent we are on God for everything. He has to make us adequate and competent for whatever it is we encounter. This phrase allows us to turn away from ourselves and to God as the answer to our problem or dilemma. We can trust him to heal our emotions, or enable us to overcome our protectiveness and selfishness, or stop our addictive eating and exercising, or empower us to forgive one who has hurt us deeply. A man who’s son was demon possessed came to Jesus for help. Jesus said to the man, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” The man cries with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:23-24) With simple words this man said, “I can’t!,” “God can!,” and “I want Him to heal my son.” It was too big for him but not for God.


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