December 02, 2005

I Really, Really Need God! Part 1

Now you must be thinking, “Of course I know I need God may be your reflexive reaction. Allow me to explain. I need friends, food, money, success, and so on. Yet my need for God is different than any of these. You see, I MUST HAVE God!

Let me give you a picture of what I mean. Picture a man that is in a hospital bed with all types of computerized devices connected to him. As we look at him he appears to have very little life left. His family has grave looks of concern on their faces. And rightly they should because their loved one desperately needs a heart transplant. The doctor has said he must have a heart or he will not survive.

Now let’s look in on another person in the hospital a few doors down. Here lies a man in a much less serious condition than the heart patient. He has checked in today for some tests and the doctor determined that he needs surgery on his sinuses so he can breathe with less difficulty.
When you compare these two persons it is apparent that they both need medical attention but the heart patient’s condition was such that he could not survive if his need for a heart was not addressed immediately. The heart patient NEEDS a heart like we NEED God. We must have Him to survive! Life cannot be done apart from Him! We have to have God! There is no hope outside of rich dependence on Him.

It was only a few years ago that spiritually I was likened unto the man that needed sinus surgery. I did not realize how desperately I needed God. My understanding at that time was it would be helpful if I knew Him better or at least looked pretty spiritual. For the most part, I was able to survive with God-Lite, just enough of God to make me feel comfortable and cozy but not enough to truly transform my life. Then it happened! Life fell in on me and I could no longer get along with just a little-bit of God. I needed Him like I had never known. If my need for Him was not met I felt like I could not go on anymore. That was when I realized I MUST have Him. And when all I had was God, He was enough. Praise to His name!

In 3 follow- up posts I would like to give you three phrases God has used to awaken and expand my need for him. These phrases are taken from 2 Corinthians 3:5-6. “Not that we are sufficient (adequate or competent) of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant. . .”


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