In BAD Need of Wisdom!
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Pro. 2:2
I am in desperate need of wisdom and understanding. Daily I face situations that require more knowledge than I possess. Here are a few I have confronted lately.
--Giving my son and daughter sound advice on career decisions
--How to best use our monies for debt retirement and long-term savings
--Determining the next step in transitioning to a new ministry
--Knowing how to deepen my love for my mate
--Trying to determine if I am hearing myself or the Holy Spirit
I am sure you regularly face similar situations. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the never-ending assault of problems. Let me give you some thoughts on getting the wisdom and understanding you need.
God is the source of wisdom. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” What a relief it is to know that we do not have to be the source of wisdom, knowledge, and intellect. We were not designed to be a fountain of knowledge. But we were created with the capacity to be in relationship with God who is the source of ALL wisdom and understanding.
Our responsibility is to go to Him for wisdom. Proverbs 2:2-4 says it like this.
Incline your ear to wisdom
Apply your heart to understanding
Cry out for knowledge and understanding
Seek wisdom like you would silver or precious jewels
Picture a coon dog sniffing the ground. He is trying to find the scent of a raccoon. He will keep his nose to the ground until he gets a whiff of that critter then everything about the coon dog metamorphs. He lets out a loud, bass howl that tells everyone he has picked up the trail of a coon. Next he takes off running following the scent trail he has just picked up. Every part of the coon dog is focused on one thing: getting the raccoon. Like the coon dog we are to go “all-out” in our pursuit of wisdom and understanding. We don’t hold back a thing. We know God is the source of ALL wisdom so we make a B-Line for Him!
God is ready to give us all the wisdom we can handle. James helps us here by saying, “If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.” (James 1:5) God is so awesome! He is always ready to give us ALL we need. James reminds us that God is eager and happy to give us wisdom.
Some Wisdom Practices
1. STOP. The first thing to do when faced with a problem is to STOP your mind’s attempt to resolve the issue. You may need to say “STOP” loudly in your head to get your thoughts to cease. This first step is important because your thinking can get in the way of getting God’s wisdom.
2. TURN. Once you have arrested your mind then wrestle it away from yourself and give it to God. Remember, your mind listens only to you. So grab your thoughts and give them to Jesus. At times I visualize putting a hand on each side of my head then turning my face toward Christ. He is the source of wisdom so I must turn away from me.
3. LISTEN. Next be still and listen. This will take practice because there is nothing about us that is still, ever. Even when the body is still the mind continues to race. See yourself sitting at Jesus’ feet like a disciple. Look to Him. Listen to Him. He will guide you. He will teach you. Give yourself time just to be with Him; to be attentive to Him. Most often I believe God speaks to us in the form of thoughts (besides the Bible). Pay attention to what comes into your mind as you are focused on Christ.
I have a thought in reference to this wisdom thing. Is it not true that for the church to become a, let's say, a godly church, and effective church, a kingdom-building church she must be led by wise people?
And who are the wise, but those who are mature in their faith and who "have been with Jesus" (Acts 4:13). Seems to me that is at the top of the priority list, even before "charismatic leader," "silver-tongued orater," etc.
Those who have become humble having been in the near-actual Presence of God in the Person of Jesus are likely the ones who have heard His voice - the voice of direction.
May each of us seek to be with Jesus as our first thing.
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