April 06, 2007

"Hearing God"

"The sheep hear his (Jesus') voice." John 10:4

I am designed to hear God when He speaks to me. So how do I keep myself from hearing my Good Shepherd?

1. Toooooooooooooo Busy. In the past I tried to go Mach IV speed in a camel body and crashed the snot out of myself . . . no FUN (much less getting snot on everything!). I absolutely cannot have an intimate conversation with anyone if I'm going 100 mph. It can't be done! Yet all I know is one speed -- SUPER FAST! But SUPER FAST becomes a barrier to hearing the gentle voice of the Good Shepherd.

Countering Busyness. Here are some ideas to help slow the pace of life. Try scheduling time for a quiet walk or drive in the week. Don't have an agenda for the time. Just be present with God and yourself. Continue looking to God through out the time. Just watch for Him to speak or hug you. The first time you try this allow 15-30 minutes. Read Luke 10:38-42. Jot down the contrasts Jesus makes between Mary and Martha. Who are you the most like? What can you do to consistently sit at Jesus' feet?

Schedule periods of time to be with God without specific activities (Bible reading, intercessory prayer, etc.). Just sit with Him and be near Him. For most of us this is a bit new and strange. Like Dallas Willard says, "We need to be WITH Him to learn to be LIKE Him." Experiment with this making adjustments as needed.

Fast one week from one or two BUSYNESS activities. Try it for one week and see what happens. We must learn to create space for God.

2. I Talk Toooooooooooo Much! Yes, you heard me right! I hinder myself from hearing God because I am ALWAYS talking to me. I can get myself to be quiet on the outside long before I am quiet on the inside. I seem to be a chatter box inside. That really is one of my problems. I only listen to me and boy does it get me in trouble.

Countering Talkativeness. I offer you a few thoughts.

As you are with God notice how much you are dialoging with you. You don't have to correct it at first. Just notice all the talking you are doing and ask God to help you. Turn away from you to Him.

Picture a door in you mind. Open the door and see God standing there. Invite Him into your home and watch Him sit down across from you. Now wait for Him to say something. Just be attentive to Him . . . waiting and watching. His presence will satisfy you in wondrous ways.

Busyness and talkativeness are hindrances to hearing God. Give these practices a try and tell me what you think?


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting this in writing. We had talked about some of these practices, but if I don't write them down then I forget.

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Paul.

We miss you a bunch.

I can certainly relate to being too busy and talking too much! Seems we have had this conversation before.

I find God reminds me in the simple things in life of my need to be with HIm. This past weekend I had our 4-year-old grandson all to myself from 3:00 Friday afternoon until 6:00 Saturday evening (and I worked without a net!).

We played some games, read some books, watched a movie or two, but the best part of our time together was just being together! We enjoyed the activities, but our "conversations" was the most meaningful part of our day.

As much as I enjoyed just being with my grandson, I think God must enjoy us just being with Him!

Thanks for sharing your insights.


At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading your blog again today because I wanted to take time to meet with God this morning. It was a unique time to sense His presence. Thanks for the guidelines on listening and not talking inside. That was very helpful.

I found myself thinking about the scripture story of the woman who anointed Jesus feet with her tears of repentance and with her perfume of possessions. This passage spoke to me about approaching God with praise, respect, honor, surrender, submission, childlike, humble, etc. Read it for yourself. What does God tell you?

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh brother, thats a good word . . .
Inviting God in to sit and waiting for him--being attentive to him. I'm gonna get busy on that sort of waiting.
Grace and Peace

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

At 6:51 AM, Blogger Infinit1 said...

Great article. "We must learn to create space for God ..." For me, this is the essence of your message. Seems so simple but, at the same time, very difficult for some of us.


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