Designed to be BIG in Jesus
I’ve been reflecting on Isaiah 61:3 “For the Lord has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.” He pictures God’s people as a grove of “oak trees.” Why didn’t he say “squash plants” or “mesquite trees”?
My first thought is squash plants and mesquite tress are small and neither provides an accurate picture of our massive potential in Christ. Now this idea of BIGNESS is concerning because all of my evangelical life I have been proud of being small because God is the only one who can be BIG. So I have worked hard at developing a “small mentality” about all things. I have concluded that somehow I am more spiritual if I am small.
Yet just a cursory read through the Bible awakens me to followers of God that are really BIG. I think of people like Moses, Joseph, Esther, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Deborah, etc. Somehow I have gotten it all wrong . . . all backwards. I am designed to be BIG and this bigness is to glorify my Father in heaven. WOW, now that’s a new thought.
Let me offer you a few thoughts about how to identify someone who is NOT BIG.
Someone is not BIG when . . .
- he or she must impress you with his/her bigness.
- he or she is more concerned about being big than being close to God.
- he or she can’t affirm the bigness of others.
- he or she uses power to manipulate and/or control others.
- he or she can’t ask for help.
- he or she can’t receive correction.
I want to BIG and BENEVOLENT like Jesus not a self-centered, power-broker with narcissistic tendencies. Let me know your thoughts about this idea of being BIG.