Waiting On God
One of the ways I try to be God is constant, furious activity inside and out. If my life were a car I would be a 66 GTO and I would burn the tires every time I took off and would redline the rpm (go as fast as possible!)
But God has hijacked my GTO and has driven me to a nice, quite roadside picnic area and parked. We are doing NOTHING but sitting there and He looks completely contended just to be with me. At first this drove me absolutely nuts!
I would say to myself, "I don't have time for this! There is way toooooooooo much to do!" He would look at me knowing my thoughts and place his hand on my shoulder and calm my anxious heart and thoughts. Without words He was saying, "Paul, all those things that you are hurrying about will be OK . . . just sit with me for a few minutes. Our time will satisfy you and renew your strength."
It made no sense to me (and if you are god of your life everything MUST make sense.) How could sitting still and waiting do ANYTHING? Yet I learned he was 100% correct. Here are some advantages of waiting that I have learned.
1. It reminds me that I don't have to be in CONTROL of my life and the lives of everyone else.
2. It invites me to be expectant. I am learning I don't have to plan and manage life. Instead I can wait for what God presents to me each day.
3. It allows me to put my roots of trust deep down into the life of God.
4. It protects my mind from distraction . . . I can keep my eyes continually on Jesus.
As you experiment with WAITING be patient with those around you who may not understand what you are doing. Our friends and family members have been taught a take-charge-make-it-happen attitude. So they may not grasp what you are trying to do. Look to our Father for how you should respond to them. Enjoy the easy yoke of waiting on God. Let me know what you think.
Thank you Dr. C for this reminder. I'm sitting in Florida getting ready for business meetings this morning. Yesterday was not such a good day, so I think I'll change my day today by shutting off the morning news, and spending several minutes being quiet with God. Even if God won't hijack my car, he can at least substitute it for a Yugo so I have to take the time with him. God bless you, your family, and your ministry to others.
Hey Dr. C., I notice this post is about a year old, but thought I'd comment anyway, in case it's connected to a working email address (MBTS misses you :)
I was talking with a guy who works in KC, MO, a former Catholic who calls himself a "spiritual atheist," essentially saying that connectedness with people is the only form of spirituality he acknowledges. Interesting.
Anyway, I was telling him a little about myself as well, mentioned MBTS and church planting, and he asked me if I'd taken classes with you. When I said yes, he told me he's heard you speak on several occasions around KC and always enjoys what you have to say.
I just thought that was a cool connection...esp. coming from an atheist. Hope things are going well.
- Ariel Vanderhorst (arieljvan.com)
When I'm not taking charge then I am burying my head in the sand. I am either in control or someone else is. I'd rather it be me. It's like playing chess against yourself, you always know what the options are and are prepared ahead of time for the bishop to sneak in on the king. I either keep busy and in control or I am not busy and remember not being in control. I prefer to be busy.
God being in control is something I assent to mentally. If it's not true then there would be no reason to live and no point to pain.
I don't really know how to reconcile God being in control and yet me being in control at the same time. I don't think it's working very good when I think about it, so I usually don't. Your post made me think.
How can people be so egotistical to even THINK we're in control? None of us are and we never will be. Control is an illusion. Only God is in control. We just think we're in control. Sure, we can spin our wheels and peddle furiously to 'make' things happen, but we're NOT in control. Relax, open your heart and LISTEN. Then act on what you hear. Always listening ... which requires patience and FAITH. Take it from a former CONTROL FREAK, it just doesn't work. Try taking control - see how it works for you! Maybe it will work for you, but it NEVER really worked for me. I just burned a lot of energy and spun my wheels, basically moving in a big circle, never getting anywhere ... at least nowhere worth being! Get out of the driver's seat and let God have the wheel ... then, enjoy the ride! God Bless.
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