Throw Me A LifeLine
I owe my life to a life-line. It was August of 1994 and I knew I was in dire straits when my family physician told me I was seriously depressed and would need to be treated with medication. He only confirmed what I already knew.
I had been treading water for a long time and the last series of events were like a monstrous wave that I felt sure would drown me. My dad had just died of alcoholism. This tragic event forced me to face a painful past that I had tried my best to hide from and ignore for years. Who wants to look back on experiences that hurt so intensely and scarred so deeply? I just wanted it all to be over, to wake up and realize it was only a bad dream. But that was not God’s plan for me. He allowed me to struggle and thrash in a raging sea.
That’s when it happened. A voice cried out over the crashing of the waves, “Don’t give up!” Those words alone enabled me to fight the fatigue that threatened to do me in. Soon I saw the boat cutting through the stormy waves. I’ll never forget how good it felt to have the boat’s life-line in my hands. I was pulled to safety by a doctor, some great friends, my wife, and God. I praise Christ for those who knew how to use a life-line.
I hope you won’t find it shocking when I tell you that I was a seminary professor and a professional counselor when I encountered the beast called clinical depression. A good education, sincere Christian commitment, and being active in ministry did not exempt me from needing a life-line. I have come to believe that all of us will need a life-line at some point in our lives.
I discovered that I was not the only one who had to have a life-line. The pages of God’s word are full of those who needed help but none is more prominent than Peter. He and the disciples had been rowing their boat against a storm for several hours (Matthew 14). They were exhausted!
In the midst of their trouble Jesus came walking on the water. His presence frightened the fatigued crew of disciples. Jesus tells them not to fear and Peter courageously responds with, “If it is you then tell me to come.” I think Peter believed if it was really Jesus that he could safely step out on top of the waves. Jesus tells him to come. And he did. Yet something happened that all of us can relate to. The storm appeared bigger and more real than his relationship to Jesus. He looked away from his Master and ended up desperately fighting for his life. Peter cries out to Jesus for help.
Then Jesus did an amazing thing! He extended his hand to the drowning disciple. Peter knew it was a life-line! My heart leapt as I read those words. The same Jesus that extended a strong hand of care to Peter does the same thing for us. Friends, we do not have to fear the storms of life. Because we know the one who walks above the storm. I say this now because I too was rescued from a turbulent sea that I was sure would destroy me. Yet amidst the darkest hours of my life I felt the sturdy hand of Jesus take hold of me and lift me out of a despair that threatened to engulf me.
I want you to know that Jesus wants to be your life-line. Why don't you consider grabbing a hold of his hand and letting him pull you to safety and JOY?
what if you need a life-line but there is no one to throw you one? God and everyone else have all gone......your alone and your drowning. What then???
To Anonymous,
First let me say I am touched by your honesty and openness. And I am sorry you are in so much pain right now. I wrote that blog having felt abandoned by all, God included. Telling me is a good place to start healing. You can always trust the truth.
In my pain feeling and sensing God was pretty difficult. The voice of pain was louder than the presence of God. What I have since learned is God is always with me but my ability to sense Him, feel Him is often hampered. I did a lot of crying out to him . . . complaining . . . griping . . . etc. Ps. 30:2 talks of crying out to him. I did a bunch of that!
I intentionally connected to others. Some relationships were shallow and others were fairly significant. I paid for a therapist and life coach and keep both of these in my life today.
My life and your life is too valuable to not have others help tend our souls.
Hold on to God and any he sends your way.
Father, help my friend sense your presence. Hold them tight and speak to their pain and hurt. Remove all that blocks them from feeling you now. AMEN
I need help!! I don't know what to do. I am sinking and not even God is here to save me. What do I do??
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