December 02, 2005

The Sin of Responsibility

My parents valued responsibility. I was told, "Paul, pay your bills", "Paul, keep your word", "Paul carry your own weight", ad infinitum. My early childhood discipleship (parenting influences) were powerful! I am responsible to a fault. I learned the lesson so well that I act like I don't need God because I'M RESPONSIBLE for me. At present I am challenging this old core value of self-sufficiency that was camoflogued as responsibility.

Jesus told his disciples to be totally unconcerned about their own needs because his Father had already taken care of them (Matt. 6:32). What does our Teacher mean by telling us to be irresponsiblie. Doesn't he know that its wrong to not provide for yourself? We all know that God helps those who help themselves. WRONG! That's a LIE!

Our old hard wiring is difficult to correct. We live in a world where we are arrogant about our ability to take care of ourselves. We are self-sufficient and proud of it. So don't dare suggest that we can't do it.

My "I can do it" attitude about destroyed me. In an experience of deep spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical brokenness I surrendered to my Jesus and said "I give up being responsible for myself." An old dog can learn new tricks but it takes time. Gradually I began to realize I had been lied to by my family and culture. No one can make life work on their own. No one can handle all of life's problems on their own. No individual has what it takes to be successful alone.

Jesus is sure we can't make it alone. That's why he came. He was trying to get the disciples to see that they were not designed to be lone rangers (Matt 6). He pointed to the birds and flowers to say dependency on God is part of the world's deep design. This does not mean mankind believes it--yet it is none-the-less-true.

Jesus inverted responsiblity by teaching God is responsible for us; for our needs. He alone is the Need-Meeter! It never was our job. So we can fire yourself from being responsible for ourselves. God wants to take care of our every need if we will quit trying.

I am learning to live responsibly in the Kingdom of God by always turning to Christ for all things. I have decided that my ideas, thoughts, and plans are inferior to my Father's provision for me. He wants to provide for me in such a way that others will want him to be their Father. I will not allow my individualism and self-sufficiency to get in the way of God's lavish provision. He gladly voulunteered to be responsible for me (us) so I choose to rely on Him. (By the way he did provide for a bunch of Israelites in the wilderness one time.)

Learning the Easy Yoke -- Paul


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